Monday 22 February 2010

Linked Production Information

The Action Plan:

Week 1: Research into our genre looking at Ross Kemp On Gangs, taking notes on codes and conventions. Also, storyboard our shots and write down key notes e.g. lighting. Lastly, brainstorm locations, ideas, people we are going to interview.

Week 2: Scripting what we are going to say in the interviews and what we want peopel to say. Being doing interviews, take shots and begin organising our shots by putting them on computer and using as many codes and conventions as possible.

Week 3: Do interviews, take shots and begin organising our shots by putting them on computer and using as many codes and conventions as possible. Whilst doing this we are going to research into our genre and continue looking at other texts.

Week 4: Last set of shots if needed and start editing after school and organising our shots in order to edit easily. During this we are going to begin our critical investigation final.

Week 5: Continue editing but at this point we will be editing at as many chances we can (after school, frees etc) and work on our critical investigation at home using research we have.

Week 6: Then put in our final edits and tweek our production to complete the project.

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